How to contribute to the Abundance in Action Podcast? 

You have  an opportunity to win from 7 self-study courses in the value of 1500 dollars if you do the following: 

- Share each podcast episode on your FB timeline and in your Instagram or other Social Media platforms with a tag #abundanceinactionpodcast for at least 3 months in the row

- Click Like to our Abundance in Action podcast FB page here: 

- For your name to end up in the draw for one of our online self-study programs - you can do everything above and add once a quarter at least a $50 USD donation 

- Winners will be drawn twice a year and announced on our FB page


Good luck and thank you in advance!

Video Poster Image
Make your donation to be part of the draw once a quarter here:

Some of the essential elements you can find in our programs:

  • How the invisible and visible world co-create together and how you can find, map and release the blockages which stop you to manifest full on
  • How to raise your awareness and consciousness about yourself, your habits and things you want to change
  • How to change your body, mind and spirit
  • How to get to know hour Abundance Wheel and activate it fully?
  • How to meet your Inner Family Archetypes and start to work with them as your best team?
  • How to build up a more abundant future?
  • What can be the key element in creating your dreams?
  • What are the key steps to become successful? 
  • How to start to use your talents so that they serve you and your dreams at all times and constantly?

Benefits of these gifts: 

  • Cleanse your Inner World and landscape and see it changing your Outer World
  • As you raise consciousness in main areas of your life your ability to change your life will increase as well
  • Cleanse many of the fears or stuck energies or beliefs which have been holding you back
  • Ability to co-create with your Inner Family Archetypes
  • Ability to increase your self-confidence
  • Figure our WHY you are here and so much more!

Right now our own businesses have sponsored our podcasts 100%. Yearly it costs $400 USD for different tech platforms to be used and  editing, not to mention the hundreds of man/woman hours per year to make it happen.


Is now the time to contribute and activate your Abundance through giving? If YES - do it here:

Contribute to the draw here:

One time payment

$ 10 USD

Abundance Activation

Thank you so much -  may it come back to you as many times you are ready to receive!!

Contribute here!

One time payment

$ 25 USD

Abundance Activation

Thank you so much -  may it come back to you as many times you are ready to receive!!

Contribute here!

One time payment

$ 50 USD

Abundance Activation

Thank you so much -  may it come back to you as many times you are ready to receive!! 

Contribute here!

Biggest one time payment

$ 100 USD

Amplify your abundance!

Thank you so much -  may it come back to you as many times you are ready to receive!  

Contribute here!