Become best friends with your body again!
Reset your Body, Mind and Spirit through Holistic Nutrition,
Conscious Choices & Eating
What if your body can become your best friend?
Would you like to have a lifestyle where:
- Your weight is in balance at all times or you know how to influence it fast
- You eat what you consciously choose and have no guilt and regret any more
- You have learned what is your optimal menu for your body
- You have learned how to hydrate your body the best way at all times
- You have learned what kind of nutritions can fill your body
- You can say good-bye to dieting for good!
- You will finally be able to communicate with your body
- You will start to take care of your body the best way
- You know how to turn on your second engine - fat burning machine giving you instantly more endurance and energy
- You may forever get rid of allergies, sinus issues, brain fog, bad sleep, needing an afternoon nap, dry skin, dehydration etc

Would you like to deepdive right away?
Here is a FREE GIFT - Masterclass with
Crystal Ra & Guests -
Harri, Michael, Robin and Vaughn
To get access to the masterclass we would ask you to also leave us your email - so we can continue to send you amazing content about Wellness and Holistic Growth here:
Say Goodbye to Someday,
and Hello to WILDFIT Today
This is a food methodology that works for people who want to release weight, gain or maintain weight, athletes seeking peak performance, or really, anyone who wants to live longer and with greater vitality.
WILDFIT 90 will teach you how to train your brain to stop wanting foods that aren’t good for you, and to start wanting foods that truly nourish and energize you.
By looking back in time and analyzing how the animals before us consumed food, WILDFIT believes the same is true for human beings.
Every animal on Earth has its own diet; a particular way of eating that makes it possible for that animal to function at its absolute best…
And here at WILDFIT, we believe that’s how humans unlock their peak performance, too.

Want to go fast - go alone!
Want to go far - go together!
African proverb
During the Wildfit 90 Days Group Challenge you will be supported by a coach and the group participants. This creates accountability which will help you to stay on track. After 3 months you have developed new habits, new behaviors and changed your body, mind and spirit biochemically so much that most of the old ways would not come back any more. You will also have a new Wildfit family with whom you can always connect and keep in touch and be supported while living Wildfit.

You can easily do this challenge even if you are a vegan. We will adjust your plan accordingly. You will be fully supported!

If you are a gluten-free person this challenge works extremely well for you in all possible ways.

You will have plenty of options to follow this program with your preferred meals. We give you suggestions and you make it happen!
FAQ about the 90 days Wildfit™ challenge
Open the FAQ file down below by clicking on the + sign. If you do not find an answer to your question, be so kind and send your question to [email protected], or check in with her through FB via #coachcrystalra here:
Is this another type of dieting program?
How is Wildfit™ different from other weight loss programs?
What kind of non-scale victories can you expect with the Wildfit™?
Why does Wildfit™ program have this particular price?

Who is the founder of the Wildfit™ program
Eric Edmeades?
Eric Edmeades spent the earlier part of his life struggling with constant sinus and throat infections, excess weight, acne and chronic fatigue.
His doctors believed that surgically removing his tonsils was the solution, but on a whim, Eric decided to experiment with changing his diet. Within 30 days, all of his symptoms went away, so the surgery was cancelled.
You know those people who get an idea and become obsessed with it? Eric is one of those people. He became fascinated by food’s role in achieving true health. He wanted to understand why simple dietary changes healed his body – especially when western medicine had spent years telling him that cutting out a part of his body was the only solution.
His research took him to live with bushmen in Africa, where he studied their eating patterns. He waded through stacks of nutritional data and functional anthropology research. He devoted years of his life to analyzing and testing his theories, and WILDFIT is the culmination of it all.
Without Eric’s passion, the thousands of people whose lives have been changed by WILDFIT would still be struggling with poor health and debilitating diseases. We’re beyond grateful for his commitment to self-healing and above all, living a life of freedom.
When you join WILDFIT you’ll have Eric by your side every step of the way through the well planned and thought out video series.

Crystal Ra
Body, Mind, Spirit Accelerator
Crystal Ra has been a coach internationally over 20 years. She started with Angel Therapy in South Africa, Estonia and Norway, then Auratransformation™ in Norway and Estonia, then Tantra Programs in Estonia, then Mind, Body and Belief Pattern Release classes, then developed her own Water Therapy called Wantra which she offered in Four Seasons hotel and other Luxurious Spas in Mexico, leading Adventure Retreats in Norway, Hawaii and Mexico, 3 years guiding her own made Abundance Wheel online program, then her own Inner Family Archetypes online coaching program for the past 5 years and now amazing Wildfit coaching which helps to build a completely new foundation to her own life and help also her clients the same way. Crystal Ra is a very transformative coach. She is also very intuitive, can hold space and make you feel safe and also guide you to the right direction when you need it. Trust the client has for Crystal Ra's guidance and their own inner guidance can help to navigate to the new futures the clients desire deep inside.
Check out some of the Wildfit testimonials!

Ask us about coaching format options!
We offer 1-1 packages (premium pricing) as well group packages for families, teams, friends etc. Minimum number of participants per group is 10.
 Email to [email protected]
Groups or coaching can start according to availability.Â

How much would it cost you to continuously leave your health on the back burner?
Think about it! When you are finally ready to put your body, spirit and mind to the first place - jump into Wildfit program and we can start the journey which will help you to build up a sustainable and strong foundation for the rest of your life. You owe it to yourself, your family and your talents which are waiting to be shared with the world! Better is your health and stronger you are, more and longer you can do it and more richer can you life become on every level!
If you have additional questions please write to [email protected] or take contact with me via FB here:

Next 90 Day in 2023
Deposit Required to Hold Your Spot
$50 dollar deposit
Limited to 10 participants! Act now!