High Performance and Recovery - inspiration from HPX LIVE with Brendon Burchard in San Diego

brendon burchard crystal ra laksmi crystal ra laksmi-ditton fly a kite high performance hpx live michael ditton navigate the waters of change oslo personal transformation navigators pit stops recovery rejuvenate san diego staycations ventura Feb 27, 2020


We share some tips and tools from our own lives while reflecting on Brendon's knowledge sharing during the event. We give you also some tasks to self reflect on. Watch it, do it, share it and subscribe!

Check out today's You Tube video here: 

Check out our other snippets from HPX LIVE event with Brendon Burchard here

* HPX LIVE event intro here: 

* Our first day's snippets are here: 

* Our second day's snippets are here: 

* Our third day snippets are here: 

We have followed Brendon for quite a while now and implemented many of his tricks and it has also helped us to share more of our gifts as well receive more abundance. Brendon is a teacher of such magnitude - full of love, care, kindness and wisdom and so humble. We love to learn from him and work with him and recommend everyone who feels the call to follow it. 

Check out his books here: 

High Performance Habits 

The millionaire messenger 

The Motivation Manifesto 

High Performance planner 

The Charge       

Do you need inspiration for your recovery day? Check out what I did! Take a computer free day and fly a kite!

Watch the video here:

Check out today's tasks here: 

Watch the video, read the blog, do the tasks, subscribe! Share with us your comments and questions in the comment sections!

Please share this with as many as you can and check us also out on other Social Media channels, like it and become the member of our 'ohana' community: 

FB Channel - #Infinite Activation

Instagram - #infiniteactivation88

You Tube - #infiniteactivation

Thank you for your time and attention!

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