How facing discomfort can help you become a successful Entrepreneur!

challenges crystal ra laksmi-ditton discomfort entrepreneurs goals infinite activation michael ditton Apr 30, 2020


In today's session we share couple of challenges and discomforts we have gone through in our lives and business and how that has helped us to become more successful and achieve more goals.

Check out today's You Tube video here: 

If you are willing to face a challenge and discomfort in your life take these steps:

  • Set a very clear goal what you would love to achieve (like in my case speaking Norwegian)
  • Figure out what steps you need to do to achieve it (in my case take a class, but as these were not available I was learning it myself)
  • Take extra measures to get faster results (like me asking my new Norwegian friends not to speak in English with me)
  • Keep taking the steps or practicing so that you will achieve your goal (after practicing and intensively using Norwegian I spoke fluent Norwegian only 4 months later!!!)

Learning new things is always uncomfortable as well challenging, but if you are willing to take the steps and keep going, you will get to your destination pretty soon and become more successful.

The courage to face your challenges and also discomfort is something what makes a difference and makes you stand out as an entrepreneur as well as a person.

Watch the video, read the blog, do the tasks, subscribe!

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Thank you for your time and attention!

Check out today's task sheet here: 


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